Pedal Strike

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June 6th, 2009

surprisingly exclusive

I’m not going to lie, I secretly love owning exclusive things.

The earrings I got in a small store in a stylish Tokyo neighborhood, the bracelets I never take off, and the tiny track frameset I now proudly own. Sure, other short people own the same Dolan, but none in Boston, and none have doused that frame in so much pink.

Small surprise, then, that I like to make exclusive things too.

But, it is sort of surprising that I’m currently [back] in New York City, with a bagful of new hats, for a new shop. The concept is the same, but the everything else seems completely different. Which sort of resulted in something like two weeks of crazed hand painted hats inspired by bright sneakers and my personal love of the 80s.


And it also resulted in panicked fits of nervousness and apprehension and the conviction that these are not going to move. I almost backed out of a weekend down in the city, despite a promise for Americanos and french fries on someone else’s tab. I spent the morning sipping coffee, stalling and balking at leaving my sister’s apartment to head to the shop, the bag full of new hats still burning a hole into my confidence and self-esteem.

I’m finally getting off the couch, off the Internet, and out of the apartment to head to the East Village though. Because I hold myself to keeping my word, and a promise was made to NYC Velo for an order of 10 hats [okay, I did one better, literally, and am delivering 11]. It took some late nights, some stress-fueled tears, and some coaxing by friends to get them done. They’re finished though, and seemingly just in time; I’m so anxious right now that I almost need them out of my life.



And with the added weight of being an exclusive run for a very reputable shop [evidence of their awesomeness here, if you scroll down a bit], I’m going to worry about them. Obsessively.

One more reason, why, if you’re in the city, you should stop by. I mean, even if only to let a worried mother hen know how her babies are doing in a strange new city.

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