Pedal Strike

Pedal Strike header image 2

April 6th, 2009

eat drink bike sleep

Oh, and study.

That’s pretty much all I did yesterday. I fell into bed early on Saturday in anticipation for the Sunday morning ride, even though there was no route planned. And possibly no ride partner, Pete having texted me late Saturday night that he was up for the ride but was an “anarchist party.” I figured he’ll be a no show.

I woke up bright and early to a comment on my blog from Pete. Written well past 1am. Yeah, right, he’s going to be ready by 8.30am, I thought. Screw it, I was going to do two 15 mile loops without stopping anyway [my first 30 miler – sad but true], Pete or no Pete. But a small chat box popped up in gmail around 7.45 – Mr. Pete Shelby himself, awake and willing to go on a ride after about 5 hours of sleep, even with work from noon to 6pm at CB. He picked up a Red Bull at the Store24 and we headed right into gusty winds towards hills and, for me, 30 miles of fixed [anticipated] agony.


We didn’t stop [minus the few red lights we didn’t blow through] until we had thrown down 14 or so miles, and we pedaled past an apparent fire in Brookline. There were about seven fire trucks, the road was blocked off by police cars, and ambulances also lined the street. I used it as an excuse to snap a few pictures, eat some offered gummi bears, hydrate, then slide my feet back into the clips to do 15+ more miles.



My toes numb by mile 20, I was seriously jealous of Pete’s Sidis [I haven’t set mine up yet]. My legs were sort of on autopilot halfway through the second loop, and only familiar landmarks and the desire not to be seen/labeled a lame quitter kept me pushing on the pedals. Well, that and good jokes – seemingly perfectly timed – which had me laughing to the point of not realizing that I was already halfway up a hill and that I just had to push a little more to crest the mofo.

My knees seemed to think 28 miles was quite enough as the last stretch home got slightly uncomfortable. That could be due to my sprint through the intersection in Washington Square, though; we never seem to make the light, except on Sundays. Sighting a green as we came down Beacon Street, I yelled [“It’s Sunnnddayyyyy!!!”] and whooped as we burst through the light as it turned yellow. Gritting my teeth, sniffling while trying to breathe/pant, head down, slouched into my drops, we finished the ride in two hours and change. Less than 15mph; yeah, slow. Still, don’t hate.

I proceeded to stretch, shower, stuff my face, and fall asleep on my books [missing polo!], but dreaming of pretty bikes, summer rides, and all things Rapha [Pete unzipped his jacket just enough as we said goodbye to reveal a baby blue Rapha jersey…yeah that whole “starving artist” front is totally just to get chicks].

Next time, we’ll do it faster.

[Today’s also my older sister’s birthday – the only person who is capable of making me cry in sheer envy of her artistic talent, call me on all my bullshit, and the first person who taught me that what doesn’t kill me will only make me stronger. Thanks, Kanako. Happy Birthday!]

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